Building a personal rapport with your intended audience is one of the most effective methods to boost sales. However, traditional phone calls can be costly and time-consuming, often leading to burnout for sales teams.
Ringless voicemail offers a better solution, allowing businesses to deliver pre-recorded messages directly to customers’ voicemail inboxes without ringing their phones. To know more about ringless voicemails, including how it works or how to set up one, please keep reading.
What Is A Ringless Voicemail?
A ringless voicemail refers to a pre-recorded voice message that is sent directly to a contact’s inbox without their phones ringing first. You record an audio message and use a software program to drop your voicemail into the recipient’s inbox. For more specific information, visit Ringless Voicemail or other similar providers online.
Ringless voicemails are also known as voice broadcasting, direct-to-voicemail messages, and ringless voicemail drops.
A ringless voicemail is a form of direct marketing that may help increase customer reach while keeping the cost of outreach campaigns low. Furthermore, it enables the simultaneous delivery of voicemail messages to hundreds or even thousands of contacts.
In addition, a ringless voicemail can be more powerful with the help of innovative software solutions developed by brands like Auto Dialer. With these platforms, you don’t have to dial each contact manually, helping you save time and allowing you to focus more on giving what customers deserve.
Why Should You Use A Ringless Voicemail?
Ringless voicemail marketing helps sales reps and call centers to achieve what they’ve been struggling to accomplish for years. Having a personalized pitch sent via ringless voicemail marketing is no small feat. So, stay tuned and learn the benefits ringless voicemails may provide your business.
- Increases Customer Response
To boost customer response rates, businesses will do whatever it takes to target customers at the right time in the friendliest way possible. After all, nobody wants to get interrupted by cold calls and marketing promotions, especially when extremely busy.
On the other hand, ringless voicemail strategies are non-intrusive and don’t demand immediate customer action. Ringless voicemails allow recipients to open the message anytime they want. This level of flexibility is why customers are often willing to respond to voicemail drops over phone calls.
- Improves Outreach
With ringless voicemails, less is more! This means you can target more customers with minimal effort. The software is fully automated, so there are not much time-consuming, manual tasks your team should perform.
Also, ringless voicemails can empower your sales team to focus on improving customer experience. This helps your business beat the race of connecting to prospects before others do.
- Boosts Agent Productivity
Businesses often focus on agent productivity. It makes sense since sales reps represent your business, which is crucial for generating leads. For successful lead generation, it’s important to manage resources effectively and efficiently.
As mentioned earlier, ringless voicemails are run by an automated system. This means you can send more than one pre-recorded audio message simultaneously, allowing agents to be proactive in receiving customer responses.
- Offers Instant Access To Stats
Ringless voicemails are no new technology and have been widely adopted for many years. It yields live reports and stats to help marketers oversee campaign progress.
Ringless voicemails have been continuously providing key insights to manage marketing campaigns more effectively and efficiently. It analyzes key metrics to understand the campaign progress better, helping you make better decisions.
- Offers Multi-Purpose Solution
Ringless voicemails aren’t exclusive to marketing operations. It can be used for a wide range of purposes as well. For example, ringless voicemails can enforce branding in different industries. These include call centers, education, polls and surveys, sales and marketing, government services, and political campaigns.
- Provides Cost-Effective Engagement
The dream of every business is to do more with fewer expenses, which has turned into reality when they decide to develop a ringless voicemail marketing campaign. Why? Because everything is mostly automated!
It only takes a couple of employees to manage the whole system compared to a team to handle an entire manual operation. Also, ringless voicemails don’t cost too much. In fact, it’s far less expensive than hiring sales agents.
Now that we’ve discussed the numerous benefits of using ringless voicemail, let’s delve into the mechanics of how this innovative technology actually works.
How Does A Ringless Voicemail Work?
Ringless voicemails work by letting the server deliver a pre-recorded audio message directly to a carrier’s voicemail server. No call is made in this process, making it less intrusive and invasive. And since dropping voicemails skips the dialing and calling process, you’ll be able to save a lot of time and money.
Thinking of ways to use ringless voicemails for your business? Check out these examples!
- Welcome new subscribers to your service.
- Interact with your most loyal customers by sending greetings, especially at local events and occasions (e.g., holiday greetings).
- Update conference attendees about changes in the schedule.
- Reward loyal customers with a coupon code or a promotional offer.
- Thank subscribers who are willing to receive marketing messages.
Keep in mind to focus on delivering a relevant message. People who think your messages are helpful are unlikely to block you from their inboxes.

How To Set Up A Ringless Voicemail For Your Business?
Here’s a step-by-step guide to setting up a ringless voicemail system for your business:
1. Choose A Ringless Voicemail Provider
Choose a service provider that offers efficient ringless voicemail software. It must be non-intrusive so you can advertise your brand to your target audience without disturbing them.
If possible, avoid service providers who say they offer excellent features. Still, their product says otherwise. Getting your customers annoyed is the last thing you want to happen when you use a ringless voicemail platform.
Pick a provider that offers genuine ringless voicemail services that can send non-disturbing messages to your contacts. Also, look for software that ensures your contacts won’t receive a cold call but a notification saying they’ve received a voicemail.
Here are some helpful tips when choosing a ringless voicemail provider:
- Must Be Compliant: Responsible providers offer services that comply with the laws of the state. In the U.S., they must adhere to the rules stated in the Telecommunication Consumer Protection Act (TCPA), which protects consumer rights.
- Choose A Provider With Experience: Working with an experienced provider is good for your business. They can help you understand how the system works. Also, they can help you create campaigns and ensure you get the results you want.
- Look For Reasonable Pricing: Price is an important factor when choosing a ringless voicemail provider. Look for a provider that offers cost-effective services and avoid choosing cheaper alternatives for poor voicemail quality.
- Should Have Reliable Tech Support: Choose a ringless voicemail provider that offers reliable, 24/7 tech support in case an issue arises. Ensure their contact details are posted on their website so you can call them during a mishap.
Providers should also allow recipients to open the voicemail whenever they want. This gives you a better chance of closing more deals because they’re likely in a good mood when they open your message.
2. Sign Up And Set Up Your Account
Once you’ve chosen a provider, sign up for their service. This usually involves creating an account, choosing a plan that fits your business needs, and setting up your payment information.
Here are the following steps:
- Visit The Provider’s Website: After you’ve chosen your ringless voicemail provider, visit their website and look for the ‘Sign Up’ or ‘Get Started’ button. This is usually prominently displayed on their homepage.
- Enter Your Business Information: You’ll be asked to provide some basic information about your business. This typically includes your business name, industry, and contact information. Some providers may also ask for your business address and website.
- Create Your Account: Next, you’ll need to create your account. This usually involves choosing a username and password. Make sure to choose a strong password to protect your account.
- Agree To Terms Of Service: Before you can complete your account setup, you’ll need to agree to the provider’s terms of service. Make sure to read these carefully so you understand what you’re agreeing to.
- Choose A Plan: Most ringless voicemail providers offer several different plans to choose from. These plans vary in price and features, so you’ll need to choose the one that best fits your business’s needs and budget. Some providers offer a free trial period, which can be a good way to test out their service before committing to a paid plan.
- Set Up Payment: Once you’ve chosen a plan, you’ll need to set up your payment information. Most providers accept major credit cards, and some may also accept other forms of payment like PayPal or bank transfers.
- Complete Your Account Setup: After you’ve entered all your information and chosen a plan, you can complete your account setup. You’ll usually receive a confirmation email with instructions on how to verify your account.
- Explore The Platform: Once your account is set up, take some time to explore the platform and familiarize yourself with its features. Look for any tutorials or guides that the provider offers to help you get started.
3. Craft And Record Your Message
Creating an effective voicemail message is a crucial step in setting up your ringless voicemail system. Most providers offer the option to either upload a pre-recorded message or record a new one directly in their system. Regardless of the method you choose, ensure your message is clear, concise, and engaging.
A well-crafted voicemail greeting can set the stage for successful interactions with your customers. It not only introduces your brand but also sets the tone for future conversations, thereby helping to build and strengthen relationships with your customers.
Here’s what you should consider when crafting your voicemail greeting:
- Personal Touch: Humans are social beings. People like talking to one another, and it’s no secret. Voicemail greetings should include the name of the person calling. This provides a personal touch that makes your business more human.
- Business Name: This is a no-brainer! When customers want to call back or leave a message, they want to ensure they’re talking to the right company. That’s why including your business name in your voicemail is crucial.
- Operation Hours: Business owners often work all the time, leading to a lack of work-life balance. To prevent this, set precise operation hours and include them in your voicemail greeting. This may help justify the turnaround time of your response.
- Contact Methods: Let people know where they can reach you in case they become interested in your business. It could be your email, social media, SMS, or live chat. This can also help you figure out their preferred mode of communication.
- Appreciation: Always end your message with a thank you. This can help strengthen the relationship between you and your customers.
Voicemail greetings should be on-brand and concise. Make sure you include these essential components when you record your voicemail.
4. Import Your Contact List:
You’ll need to import your list of contacts into the system. Most providers support CSV file imports, which is a common format for storing contact information.
Here are more of the crucial steps:
- Prepare Your Contact List: Before you can import your contacts, you need to have a list ready. This list should include the names and phone numbers of the individuals you want to reach with your ringless voicemail campaign. Make sure that your list only includes contacts who have given their consent to receive such communications to comply with legal requirements.
- Format Your Contact List: Most ringless voicemail providers require your contact list to be in a specific format, usually a CSV (Comma Separated Values) file. This is a type of file that can be easily created and edited in spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Each row in the file should represent a contact, and each column should represent a piece of information about that contact (e.g., first name, last name, phone number).
- Check Your Data: Before importing, double-check your data for errors. Make sure phone numbers are correctly formatted and don’t contain any special characters. Also, ensure that there are no duplicate entries.
- Import Your Contact List: Once your CSV file is ready, you can import it into the ringless voicemail system. This process will vary depending on the provider, but generally, you’ll need to navigate to the contacts or subscribers section of the platform and look for an “Import” option. From there, you can select your CSV file and upload it to the system.
- Confirm Successful Import: After importing, the system will usually provide a confirmation message or show the new contacts on your list. Check to make sure the import was successful and all contacts appear correctly.
- Manage Your Contact List: After your initial import, you can add, remove, or update contacts as needed. Most systems also allow you to segment your contacts into different groups or lists, which can be useful for targeting specific subsets of your audience with different messages.
5. Crafting And Scheduling Your Voicemail Message
Once your message and contact list are ready, the next step is to schedule your voicemail drop. This could be sent immediately or at a specific date and time in the future.
But before you schedule your message, it’s important to ensure that it’s crafted effectively.
- Lead With Relevant Information
Instead of starting your message with a straightforward introduction, such as ‘I’m Jonathan Applesauce, and I work for Brooklyn Metals Inc.,’ consider leading with relevant information or a thought-provoking question. This approach can pique the listener’s interest and reduce the chances of your message being deleted immediately.
Examples of engaging leads include:
- ‘Have you considered (innovative method)?’
- ‘Did you know that (mind-blowing statistics)?’
- ‘How did the (fact) affect your operations?’
- Include Specific Questions
To make your voicemails stand out from your emails, consider posing questions in your voicemails that you wouldn’t include in an email. While both voicemails and emails should be customized to a particular customer, voicemails should be very specific. For example, if you’re selling a document management technology, you may ask the recipient which software they’re using today. The more specific the question, the higher the chances it’ll get a response.
- Avoid Generic Closing Remarks
Traditional voicemail closing remarks like ‘I’ll message you again on this date.’ or ‘Please call us back.’ are generic and don’t increase the chances of getting a response. Instead, consider ending your message with a specific question.
- Keep Your Voicemails Concise
The ideal sales voicemail isn’t too long nor too short—it should be between 20 and 30 seconds long. Customers are unlikely to listen to a very long voicemail, especially if they don’t recognize the caller’s number. Conversely, an overly short voicemail may be perceived as unimportant and deleted right away. A voicemail within the 20-30 seconds range strikes a balance, igniting curiosity without being too demanding.
By following these guidelines, you can craft an effective voicemail message that engages your customers and increases the chances of a response.
6. Monitor And Adjust
After your voicemail has been sent, it’s important to monitor the results. This can help you understand how effective your message was and whether you need to make any adjustments for future voicemails.
Here’s a detailed breakdown of each step:
- Track Delivery and Response Rates: After your voicemail has been sent, the first thing you’ll want to do is track the delivery and response rates. Most ringless voicemail providers offer built-in analytics tools that allow you to see how many of your voicemails were successfully delivered and how many recipients responded.
- Analyze Customer Feedback: If customers respond to your voicemail, whether through a return call, email, or other means, take note of their feedback. Are they interested in your offer? Are they annoyed by the call? Their responses can provide valuable insights into how your message is being received.
- Measure Sales or Conversion Rates: If the goal of your ringless voicemail campaign is to drive sales or conversions, you’ll want to track these metrics closely. This could involve tracking how many recipients of the voicemail made a purchase, sign up for a service, or performed some other desired action.
- Adjust Your Strategy Based on Results: Based on the data you’ve gathered, you may need to make adjustments to your ringless voicemail strategy. This could involve tweaking your message, sending your voicemails at different times, or targeting different segments of your contact list.
- A/B Testing: Consider running A/B tests to optimize your voicemails. This involves creating two slightly different versions of your voicemail and sending each version to a different subset of your contact list. You can then compare the results to see which version was more effective.
- Regularly Review and Update Your Strategy: Don’t just set it and forget it. Regularly review your strategy and make updates as necessary. This could involve changing your message, adjusting your call times, or even switching up your overall approach.
Remember, the key to a successful ringless voicemail campaign is a compelling message and a well-targeted contact list. Always ensure you’re complying with all relevant laws and regulations when using this technology.
Final Words
Ringless voicemail is an effective way to establish a personal connection with your prospects and customers. It’s non-intrusive, so you don’t have to worry about disturbing your client’s peace.
Ringless voicemail works by recording an audio message and sending it directly to the recipient’s voicemail inbox. To set it up, you need to choose a reliable provider. And once you’ve found a worthy one, you may produce your own voicemail, starting with a greeting.
Follow the tips discussed above to maximize the potential of ringless voicemails.