Public shootings are one of the most frightening things you can go through, and unfortunately, they are growing more common. These shootings can happen at any time, catching you completely unaware and causing panic. Like any dangerous situation, whether it’s finding a shark in the water or a fire in your home, it’s helpful if you know what to do beforehand so that you don’t have to figure it out at the moment. With that in mind, below are the steps you should follow if you ever find yourself facing a public shooting.
Get Away from the Scene
First and foremost, you should look to get away from the scene as quickly and as safely as you can. Identify any safe exit routes and move quickly to get away. If you’re in a crowded area, you may have many people jostling to exit through the same area. Do your best to remain calm and not push your way through the crowd, as this will only encourage panic and make the situation more dangerous. Keep moving until you’re far away from the source of the gunshots.
Hide Someplace Safe
If you’re unable to safely get far enough away from the scene, your next best option is to look for someplace safe to hide. Where you’re able to hide will depend on your location. For instance, you may be able to hide inside a bathroom where you can either lock the door or hide in a stall. Look for large objects that can obscure you, such as pieces of furniture. If you’re able, use those pieces of furniture to barricade any doors and secure yourself inside. Don’t waste time looking for the best hiding spot. Instead, find the best spot you can as quickly as possible, then remain there until it’s safe.
Contact Emergency Services
Once you can safely make a phone call without being detected, contact emergency services. While others may have already called, you should still contact them just to be sure. Provide emergency personnel with information such as your location, how many gunshots you heard, and whether there are any injuries. Emergency personnel may ask you to stay on the line until you arrive or request that you move someplace safe and stay by your phone. Follow all directions provided until help arrives.
Attend to Injuries
While you’re waiting for help to come, you may need to attend to some injuries. A wide range of injuries can occur during a public shooting besides gunshot wounds. People can become injured as they race from the scene or from flying debris as a result of the gunshots. Attend to the most significant injuries first, which typically include severe blood loss. Work to stem the bleeding by applying pressure to the wound, raising it above the heart, or using a makeshift tourniquet on the artery. Even without medical training, you may be able to do enough to prevent injuries from becoming worse or death.

Talk with Legal Representation
Some time after the situation is over, you may want to talk with legal representatives. This is especially important if you’re a gun shot victim, as you may be able to receive financial compensation for your injuries, both physical and mental. An injury attorney will discuss the situation with you and how you should best proceed with legal action. Attempting to go through the legal process on your own is daunting, and you already have enough to worry about. Find a good attorney in your area and remove one more stressor from your plate.
Seek Mental Health Services
Finally, it’s common for people who go through public shootings to have emotional trauma afterward. You may be suffering from anxiety, PTSD, or some other mental health disorder as a result of your harrowing experience. Talking with a mental health professional can be of tremendous help, providing you with someone to talk to and useful coping strategies. If you’re experiencing symptoms such as panic attacks, trouble sleeping, depression, or a fear of public spaces, spend time finding a mental health professional in your area and schedule an appointment.
Don’t Be Caught Unprepared
While we can never really anticipate a public shooting occurring, we can at least prepare ourselves a little bit. By knowing what to do in the event of a public shooting, you can quickly move into actions that best protect you in that situation. While we hope that you never need to use the tips above, if you do find yourself facing this difficult situation, keep them in mind to help you get through it.